Multi-Sensory teaching for students with VI (part1)

Greetings fellow teachers! This series will hopefully provide you with some resources, tips, and information to help you teach students with visual impairments(VI).  For the past two years, I’ve had a heavy caseload of students with VI. My students have had low motor abilities and very limited independent skills and all non-ambulatory.  I’m excited to share the various ways you can include students with visual impairments into your daily group settings, even with students who are more independent and ambulatory.  I hope these resources are helpful to you and your kiddos!
Today I’m sharing my object-based schedule. Object-based schedules are a great way for students to involve a variety of senses.  You can create the object to make a sound (auditory input), create an interesting texture (for tactile input), or use a variety of scented resources (for olfactory input).  This isn’t just limited to students with a Visual Impairment, but even for a student who doesn’t relate to picture schedules yet.

Supplies needed for object schedule:

Here are a few examples of an object schedule:

object calendars
object calendars

visual auditory schedule
visual auditory schedule

daily job chart
daily job chart

You can also follow my Visual Impairment board for more great ideas!

Search my blog for my multi-sensory teaching resources and ideas.