Student Reinforcement Part 2

Last week, I introduced you to naturalistic reinforcement data collection. After you get to know your students for a few days, you can sit down with them and administer leveled reinforcement surveys.

The 3 levels:

  • Level 3 (Most Independent)
  • Level 2 (Visually Supported)
  • Level 1 (Object-based)

These surveys are in 3 different levels (level 1-3), and 3 different formats (printable, editable-PDF & Google sheets, and digital-Google form).

🛒Purchase the surveys! 🆓Get the google sheets for free!

You can print out the Levels of Reinforcement and display in your class for staff. There are also several pages that review the Effectiveness of Reinforcement, Schedules of Reinforcement, and Reminders for implementing successful reinforcement strategies.

A tip about reinforcers:

Reinforcers should be given contingently and immediately upon a correct response.

If a preferred item or activity is not given contingently, it will be extremely hard to build a relationship between targeted behaviors and reinforcers. Immediacy teaches the contingent relationship, between the response and the consequence.

In the next post, I’ll talk about the Forced Choice Reinforcement Survey to figure out what types of reinforcements are motivating to students.

Mrs. Kolo